Last Friday found us at Ossington Steet restaurant Paris, Paris where I was asked to photograph the activation of a promotion for wines from the Pays D’Oc region of France. The Pays D’Oc refers specifically to the wines from Languedoc-Roussillon. and

We arrived at dusk during the blue hour that follows sunset. The restaurant was alive with the buzz of conversation, the joys of laughter, and smiles from enjoying a Friday on a summer evening. Restaurant patrons were dining on charcuterie and seafood towers; enjoying entrees and salads of calamari and beef tartare; and drinking cocktails with Aperol and glasses of red and white wines and rose from Pay D’Oc.

Overall the activation was a success!

As my site is primarily a photography website I must comment a little bit on that aspect of it.

I used the trusty Nikon Z6 and the Nikkor 24-70 S f2.8. I was able to use available light for most of the images, but for some photos the quality of light was poor and needed help from a handheld speedlight. For those images I used a 15 year old SB-600 and an even older SB-17C cord that I used to use with my film cameras! Just because something is old doesn’t mean that you need to replace it if it still does the job. Sometimes new is just new and not better and often the older stuff is over-engineered and lasts longer than expected.