Last week I heard through my friend Adam Kulchyski, that the Stewards of Cootes Watershed was looking for a volunteer photographer. The next clean up was scheduled for Father’s Day, but knowing that my teenage and older kids sleep in, I went to the clean up that started at 9am. I met many wonderful people who greatly care for the environment they live in. Many of the volunteers, I think about half, myself included, were first-timers. The volunteers were divided into three groups to clean three different areas around Spencer Creek in Dundas. Prior to the clean-up, there was a very brief ceremony when Mieke Ewen of the Rotary Club presented a check to Alan Hansell of Stewards of Cootes Watershed.

I was amazed what was found at the sites just on this clean-up. There were broken glass of course, but also chain link fence, steel fence posts, exhaust pipes, etc. But one big piece that was removed and I did help carry for fifty metres was a I-beam. What it was doing in the middle of the woods or how it got there, no knew for certain, but it is beyond reason what one finds during the clean-ups.

The rest of the images in higher resolution are available in this gallery. They can also be found in lower resolution on Facebook.